
One man's trash is 0
man's treasure: that's 00
Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students sustainable design techniques 00
as building real, livable homes out 00
recycled garbage. 00
than letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program began only 00 years ago, but 00
then, students have already built more than 000 spaces. Mary Smith is a second-year student 00
used to study fashion. She changed her major after hearing about the program. "I love doing something nice for someone else. People have told me that this has changed their lives," she said. “You can’t put a price on that.” But in fact, you can: not 00
of the houses cost more than $00,000. Every year, some of the money is raised through donations and grants. The school helps with funding, too.


One man's trash is 0
man's treasure: that's 00
Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students sustainable design techniques 00
as building real, livable homes out 00
recycled garbage. 00
than letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program began only 00 years ago, but 00
then, students have already built more than 000 spaces. Mary Smith is a second-year student 00
Dùng để học thời trang. Cô đã thay đổi chuyên ngành của mình sau khi nghe về chương trình. "Tôi thích làm điều gì đó tốt đẹp cho người khác. Mọi người đã nói với tôi rằng điều này đã thay đổi cuộc sống của họ", cô nói. Bạn không thể đặt giá cho điều đó. Nhưng trên thực tế, bạn có thể: không 00
ngôi nhà có giá hơn 00.000 đô la. Hàng năm, một số tiền được quyên góp thông qua quyên góp và tài trợ. Trường cũng giúp tài trợ.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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